Get shares

Fetch addressbooks shared by you (authenticating MailUser) and with you (from other MailUsers)

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: https://example.domain.tld/api/v1/contacts/share/
  • Require authentication: Yes
  • Permission level required: MailUser

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
shared_by_me list List of all addressbooks shared by you (authenticating MailUser)
friendly_name str Name (identifier) of addressbook
recipients list List of recipient addresses
status str Status
url str URL of CardDAV addressbook
shared_with_me list List of all addressbooks shared with you (from other MailUsers)
from str MailUser who shared the addressbook with you

Example request (Python)

import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint

url = "https://example.domain.tld/api/v1/contacts/share/"
r = requests.get(url, auth=("","long-auth_token-here"))

Example response (JSON)

{'shared_by_me': [{'friendly_name': 'default',
                   'recipients': ['', ''],
                   'status': 'applied',
                   'url': 'https://example.domain.tld/radicale/'}],
 'shared_with_me': [{'friendly_name': 'Project NMS',
                     'from': '',
                     'status': 'applied',
                     'url': 'https://example.domain.tld/radicale/'}]}